In life, we can feel an internalised pressure to “have our life together”. Society creates fake timelines about what we “should” have done by a certain age. The truth is, no one has any idea what they are doing. We see people on social media who are living these extravagant lifestyles. People even younger than you, who already have a family, new house, dream job, or relationship, moved overseas. Then we compare ourselves. Why don’t I have that fancy new job? Why haven’t I found the “one” yet? Why is it that I don’t even know what job I want at all? You are not alone. But who said we need to have everything figured out now?
Instead of saying, “what do I want to be?”, start questioning “who do you want to be?”. Write down exactly what your ideal self looks like, what they do in their free time, their values, etc. This is a far better indicator of a life you would enjoy living. It is then much easier to implement daily practices that help you feel aligned and happy. When aiming to do things for your highest good, you can’t do anything wrong.
Additionally, even if we knew what we wanted to do, is that beneficial? Does that not limit you to certain experiences? If you have already decided what your career path is, you may turn down an even better option when it arises. I doubt Elon Musk had his whole career planned out 20 years ago. So why do we pressure ourselves to know exactly what we will do in our lives, especially at such a young age? A quote by Oscar Wilde said that ‘if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it and that is your punishment. But, if you never know, then you can become anything’.
Today, take some time to appreciate where you are today and how amazing it is to have unlimited possibilities for the future. Stop feeling guilty for not knowing what you’re going to be doing in five years. Let go, and remember what's meant for you, you can never miss.
Thank you, love Amy ♡